Dental Extractions

There are Healthy Reasons for Extractions

  • Tooth decay - tooth is not savable.
  • Reduce overcrowding of teeth
  • Wisdom Teeth Extractions

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Dental Teeth Extractions

Chew better, look better - with less pain.

At Zealous Dental in Dayton, Ohio, we understand that dental extractions can be a daunting prospect for many patients. However, there are certain situations where extractions may be necessary to preserve your oral health and prevent further complications. Most patients, having gone through a tooth extraction procedure, express relief from continuous pain, chewing on one side to avoid the bad tooth and other complications. 

Severe Tooth Decay

One common reason for dental extractions is severe tooth decay or damage that cannot be repaired with a filling, crown, or other restorative treatment. In some cases, a tooth may become so decayed or damaged that it cannot be saved, and extraction may be the only option.

Overcrowding of Teeth

When there is not enough space in the mouth for all of the teeth to grow in properly, extractions may be necessary to create enough space and prevent complications such as misalignment or discomfort.

Impacted Teeth

Extractions may also be necessary for impacted teeth, which are teeth that have not fully erupted or are blocked from growing in properly by other teeth. Impacted teeth can cause pain, infection, and other complications, and extraction may be necessary to prevent further issues.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth extractions are another common reason for dental extractions. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically emerge in the late teens or early twenties and can cause discomfort or even damage to surrounding teeth if they do not emerge properly. In many cases, wisdom teeth may need to be extracted to prevent further complications and preserve oral health.


At Zealous Dental, our experienced dental professionals use the latest techniques and technology to perform extractions safely and effectively, with minimal discomfort or pain. If you are experiencing dental pain, swelling, or other issues, contact our office to schedule a consultation and determine if an extraction, including wisdom teeth extractions, is necessary to preserve your oral health.

Common Questions About Dental Extractions

What if I leave my wisdom teeth in?

While some individuals may not experience any issues with their wisdom teeth, there are several potential risks associated with leaving them in place.

Firstly, wisdom teeth can cause overcrowding and misalignment of the other teeth in the mouth, which can lead to discomfort, bite problems, and difficulties with proper oral hygiene. In some cases, this can even require orthodontic treatment to correct.

Secondly, wisdom teeth can also cause infection, gum disease, and decay due to their location at the back of the mouth, which can be difficult to clean properly. This can lead to pain, swelling, and other complications that can impact your overall oral health.

Finally, leaving wisdom teeth in place can also increase the risk of developing cysts, tumors, or other growths in the jawbone, which can require more extensive and invasive treatments to address.

Overall, while not all individuals will require wisdom teeth extractions, it is important to monitor their development and seek the advice of a dental professional to determine the best course of action for your specific oral health needs. If you are experiencing pain, swelling, or other issues related to your wisdom teeth, contact Zealous Dental in Dayton, Ohio to schedule a consultation and determine if extractions are necessary to preserve your oral health.

How do I replace a tooth extracted by my dentist?

If you have had a tooth extracted by a dentist, there are several options available for replacing it, depending on your specific needs and preferences.

One common option is a dental implant, which is a small metal post that is surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as an artificial tooth root. Once the implant has fused with the surrounding bone, a crown or other restoration is attached to the top of the implant to create a natural-looking and functional replacement tooth.

Another option is a dental bridge, which is a series of artificial teeth that are attached to adjacent teeth or dental implants to fill the gap left by the missing tooth. A bridge can help to restore your ability to chew and speak properly, as well as improve the appearance of your smile.

A partial denture is another option for replacing a missing tooth. This is a removable appliance that attaches to the remaining teeth in your mouth, using a metal framework or other attachments to hold it in place. Partial dentures can be an affordable and convenient option for replacing one or more missing teeth.

Overall, the best option for replacing a missing tooth will depend on several factors, including the location and number of missing teeth, your oral health needs, and your budget. At Zealous Dental in Dayton, Ohio, our experienced dental professionals can provide a consultation to help determine the best treatment options for your specific needs and goals.

Is Tooth Extraction Painful?

Tooth extraction is a commonly performed dental procedure, and in most cases, it can be performed with minimal discomfort or pain. Before the extraction, the dentist will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth, which should prevent you from feeling any pain during the procedure.

While some individuals may experience mild discomfort or pressure during the extraction, this is typically brief and can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications or prescribed pain medication if necessary. The dentist may also provide specific post-operative instructions to help manage any discomfort or pain in the days following the extraction.

In some cases, such as with more complex extractions or impacted teeth, sedation dentistry may be recommended to help manage pain and anxiety during the procedure. This can include options such as nitrous oxide or oral sedation, which can help to minimize discomfort and promote relaxation during the extraction.

Overall, while some discomfort or pain may be experienced during or after a tooth extraction, the use of local anesthetics and pain management techniques can help to minimize this and ensure a comfortable and successful procedure.


Zealous Dental Services: Your premier destination for top-notch dental care in Dayton, Ohio. With a compassionate team of skilled professionals, modern facilities, and a comprehensive range of services, we are dedicated to your oral health and satisfaction. Experience exceptional dental care today and maintain a beautiful, healthy smile for life. Schedule your appointment now. Click on any service below for more detail.

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